(B60-40 and B60-50)

Nominal diameter: d [mm]

B60-40 construction steel with arrow carwing:10, 12,14, 16, 18, 20.22,25, 28 ,32
B60-50 construction steel with bolt carving:10, 12,14, 16, 18, 20.22,25, 28
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Construction steel B60-40 comply with a specification MSZ 339-1987 by composition and mechanical properties with arrow carving.
Construction steel B60-50 comply with a specification MSZ 339-1987 by composition and mechanical properties with arrow carving. Vanadium is used as a microalloying component.
  • Shipping condition: hot-rolled, without thermal processing, fixed length, without straightening.
  • Fixed length: between 4 and 12 m with possible 100 mm step, + and/or - 100mm length tolerances. In the case of ordering of fixed length products max. 10% short length, min. longer than 3 m.
  • Size and form factors comply with a specification MSZ 339-1987.